Magyar étterem
The Téglás Pension is located in Bicfalău 15 km from Sfântu Gheorghe and it has 14 rooms, accommodation for 40 person, and a restaurant for 60 person.
== EN == RO == HU ==
BIKFALVA is a historical settlement belonging to the village of Uzon. It\'s located 25 km from Brasso. One can draw near to it first on the DN-10 road then on the DN-ll(E-574)it\'s also accessible by train from Brasso (27km). It is situated 565 metres above sea-level, 5 kilometres from Uzon on the DN-103B high quality road, at the western foot of Bodzaforduló mountain range in beautiful surroundings and forests. Number of inhabitants: 379 (according to the national census taken in 2002). Its residents are mostly Szekelys - Hungarians. During the national census mentioned above only 21 inhabitants declared themselves of Romanian nationality. The name of the village was first mentioned - in writing - as Bykfalva in 1479. The clean mountain brooks meet on the teritory of the village.
The village is almost unique in the region because of its climate, protected species, forests and the woods\' fruits, different kinds of funguses, medicinal herbs. The historical buildings and monuments of the village are valuable and are fascinating for tourists who enjoy these kinds of sites. Let\'s just mention the ruined watch-tower called Csigavar hidden in the woods which appears in many local legends and tales. Nearer you can see the picturesque rock called Decse kove that was formed by Carpathian sandstone. The characteristic monument of Bikfalva is the reformed church built in the early Medieval Ages which is surrounded with the ruins of a castle wall built between the 16th and 17th centuries. A new church was built in 1863 instead of the old Gothic church. Its art treasure bell was made by a Saxon called Paulus Neidel in Brassó in 1640. The church is surrounded by a well-organized graveyard.
Among the architectural monuments located within Bikfalva we mention the Primary School built in the year of the millennium, the orthodox church built between 1936-39, and many other mansions which were built in different architectural styles like the Renaissance, rococo, Baroque, and classicism: Simon house (1793), Dénses-Zsigmond house, Zátyi and Vén-Ábrahám houses, Molnár house (1822), Simonnyi house, Bőjthe-Cseke house from 1860.
Among the famous personalities of Bikfalva we keep in evidence Kóréh Zsigmond (1761 1793) painter and engraver, Simon Gábor (1857-1907) linguist, teacher and coursebook-writer and last but not least Páljános József, the former teacher of the village whose home made astronomical telescope is kept in The Székely National Museum in Sepsiszentgyörgy.
Pensiunea Téglás este situat în satul Bicfalău, la 15 km. de Sf. Gheorghe, cu 14 camere, un apartament, restaurant de 60 de persoane, cu parcare in curte.
În localitate se poate ajunge dinspre Braşov pe DN-10, apoi pe DN-11 (E-574) pîna la localitatea Ozun (25 km). Ozunul are şi statie CFR pe linia Nr. 400 Brasov- Sf. Gheorghe (27 km). Bicfalau se află la 5 km distnta de la Ozun, la poalele Munţii Intorsurii Buzăului pe lânga şoseaua DJ – 103 B, Sf. Gheorghe - Intorsura Buzaului. Suntem la cota 565 m intr-o zona impădurită către care converg toate pâraiele din rama muntoasă. Localitatea are 379 locuitori in majoritate de etnie maghiara. La recensămîntul din 2002 s-au inregistrat si 21 de romani. Prima atestare a localitatii apare in anul 1477 sub forma de Bykfalva. Valoarea turistică a zonei constă îin primul rînd în perimetrul păduros întins, cu fructe de pădure, ciuperci, plante medicinale si un fond vănatoresc bogat. Clima este blănda, ferită de vîntul local, numit Nemira. Pe lînga cele expuse, localitea ofera mai multe clădiri cu valori arhitecturale aparte - conace - care prezinta un interes turistic general. Merita atenţie în special ruinele unui turn de observaţie medievala, Cetatea Melcilor de care se leaga si o legenda ca si cum ar fi un loc de odihna a unor şerpi ciudati. In zonă se află şi o formaţie stîncoasă, numit Stînca Decea.
A Téglás panzió Bikfalván, Sepsiszentgyörgytől 15 km-re található, 14 szobával és egy apartmannal, 60 személyes vendéglővel, zárt parkolóval.
Bikfalva 5 km-re található Uzontól ahol a megye legfontosabb útvonala halad a 11-es számú Brassó – Uzon – Kézdivásárhely - Ojtoz műút, így a Téglás Panzió könnyen bekapcsolódik az országos hálózatba. Sepsiszentgyörgytől, Székelyföld egyik legrégebbi városától 15 km-re helyezkedik el, festői környezetben a Bodzafordulói hegyek lábánál ..
Bikfalva Uzon községhez tartozó, történelmi múltú település. Brassótól 25 km-re van. Uzonon keresztűl, előbb a DN-10, majd a DN-11-es műúton (E-574) lehet megközelíteni. Vasúton is elérhető a Brassó (27 km). Uzontól 5 km-re fekszik a DN-103 B megyei rangú aszfaltozott út mentén 565 m. tengerszint feletti magasságban, festői környezetben, közvetlenül a Bodzafordulói-hegység erdőkkel borított nyugati lába alatt. Lakóinak száma 379. (2002-es népszámlálás). Zömében székely-magyarok lakják. Az említett népszámlálás idején 21-en vallották magukat román nemzetiségűnek. Nevét először - írásban - 1479-ben említik Bykfalva formában. A falu területén találkoznak a hegykeretről aláfolyó tiszta vizű hegyi patakok. Nehany epítészeti szempontból egyedulálló kúria és épület is található falunkban.