Preventia este foarte importanta pentru noi si avand in vedere Pandemia Covid-19 dam dovada de responsabilitate si ne aliniem masurilor dispuse de autoritati. Astfel, am decis sa sistam activitatea restaurantului President pe o perioada de 30 de zile, in functie de evolutia situatiei.
Hotel President
Hotel Bar
Hotel President is a 4 star hotel, with restaurant, bar and swimming pool. Its perfect for all the family, couples and also business meetings.
Hotel President contact
Hotel President opening hours
- Monday always open
- Tuesday always open
- Wednesday always open
- Thursday always open
- Friday always open
- Saturday always open
- Sunday always open open
Hotel President ratings
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Hotel President information
price category:
high price
Hotel President facebook posts
O primavara cu lumina si culoare! ☀️
La multi ani de 8 Martie, dragi femei
Papanasi... un desert delicios!