Thai Thai - by Mangiare

Thai Restaurant
Thai Thai! Mancare thailandeza in Sibiu, str. Ghe Dima, inainte de giratoriul cu Calea Cisnadiei. Comenzi la 0738297463

Thai Thai - by Mangiare contact


address: Gheorghe Dima 42, 550409 Sibiu, Romania


On the street

public transport:

Ciresica - Giratoriu str. Ghe. Dima cu Calea Cisnadiei

Thai Thai - by Mangiare opening hours

  • Monday 11:00 - 15:00
  • Tuesday 11:00 - 15:00
  • Wednesday 11:00 - 15:00
  • Thursday 11:00 - 15:00
  • Friday 11:00 - 15:00
  • Saturday close
  • Sunday close

Thai Thai - by Mangiare ratings

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Thai Thai - by Mangiare information

payment method:



Home delivery
Child friendly



price category:

$ low price

Thai Thai - by Mangiare facebook posts

Arlene Stein, Terroir Hospitality, speaks to top chef René Redzepi from Noma in Copenhagen in this candid Zoom interview about Noma 3.0. Chef Redzepi maintai...

Thai Thai - by Mangiare, 2020.05.22.

#impreuna a devenit hashtag-ul momentului, al acestor vremuri incerte pe care le traim. #impreuna ne putem mentine optimismul, #impreuna putem crea oportunitati, #impreuna zambim mai mult :-) ‍♀️‍♀️‍♀️
Ne-am adunat o mana de oameni faini (pe zoom ), am povestit, am ras si ne-am incurajat...

Thai Thai - by Mangiare, 2020.04.04.

La Thai Thai DOAR livrari la domiciliu! Nu mai servim la geam, dar va trimitem bunatatile acasa!

Stai acasa! Stay safe!

Comenzi la 0738 297 463 intre 11:00 si 15:00 sau printr-un mesaj aici pe FB.

Thai Thai - by Mangiare


Thai Thai - by Mangiare, 2020.03.20.


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