Vinexpert Services/ Chateau Odobesti

Service provider company specialized in the Vineyard and winery Industry in Romania and France. Companie specializata in prestarea de servicii viticole.
Prestataire de services viti-vinicoles CHATEAU ODOBESTI est spécialisé dans le domaine viticole et vinicole. Développant des services pour les entreprises, notre structure est présente en termes de formations, travaux viticoles dans les régions de Graves, Leognan, Pomerol, Saint Emilion, Entre deux mers, Bordeaux Supérieur et Sauternes. Service provider CHATEAU ODOBESTI is a company specialized in vineyard and winery. Our structure supplies companies with services regarding: vineyard training, vineyard sevices, management, wine growing.
Prestari servicii viticole Prestation de services viticoles Vineyard services

Vinexpert Services/ Chateau Odobesti contact


address: Str Cuza Vodă Nr 54, 012252 Odobesti

Vinexpert Services/ Chateau Odobesti opening hours

  • Monday always open
  • Tuesday always open
  • Wednesday always open
  • Thursday always open
  • Friday always open
  • Saturday always open open
  • Sunday always open

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Vinexpert Services/ Chateau Odobesti information

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